Tags server

puppet tips

Kiyor | | Created: 03-17-14 05:39:18

  • puppet with nginx artical link
  • important permission, puppet:puppet puppet_config_dir/rack
  • use templates is better for loadbalance, since you don’t need setup host in config, but speed is lower than files

Category: none

how to make a simple audio/video streaming server

Kiyor | | Created: 03-17-14 11:23:58

  • Music are pretty custom, hard to find a public streaming website that really fit for you.
  • You have download music everyday. More and more storage you use, you might never out of space on you desktop, but how about your iphone, ipad, android device? or your working laptop?
  • How to sync your music to different device? Each time download new music will need sync to different device.

Category: none

Force local user use proxy

Kiyor | | Created: 01-19-13 04:27:38

Setup local squid.conf with http_port 45678 transparent

ssh to your DD-WRT router and run

Category: none

Tags: Server Linux

Control Different Region Player Connect Different Server

Kiyor | | Created: 08-19-12 09:58:43

Recently I wanted to upgrade my Minecraft player. I plan to use different server for different player. I’ve tried to check how does my home’s DD-WRT works on port forwarding. And I got the result. I could use port forwarding in iptables control player source ip connect different server.

So this is my iptables rule

Category: none

Tags: Linux Server