Recent stuff I'm working on

opnsense with custom private dns

Kiyor | | Created: 03-16-22 13:37:58, Last Update: 03-16-22 13:39:29

add /usr/local/etc/unbound.opnsense.d/


Category: none

NUC Proxmox 外置显卡扩展坞 Windows双系统

Kiyor | | Created: 06-29-21 12:44:35, Last Update: 04-10-23 19:20:52

  • 本人喜欢折腾服务器, 很久以前就喜欢把NUC当家庭服务器玩, 而且一些服务在NUC上跑

Category: none

RHEL7 failed to enable service

Kiyor | | Created: 10-26-17 18:03:37, Last Update: 10-26-17 18:04:04


Failed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links

Category: none

Tags: centos7

context in golang

Kiyor | | Created: 01-20-17 18:39:36, Last Update: 01-24-17 10:48:12

# set value
child_ctx = context.WithValue(parent_ctx, key, value)

# get value

Category: none

Tags: context golang

golang 1.7 http client trace example

Kiyor | | Created: 08-23-16 08:46:59, Last Update: 08-23-16 11:07:26

most of code copy from official go/src/net/http/transport_test.go

package main

Category: none

chef user lost password?

Kiyor | | Created: 06-07-16 03:07:13, Last Update: 06-07-16 03:07:31

sudo -u opscode-pgsql  /opt/opscode/embedded/bin/psql opscode_chef

select username,hashed_password,salt,email from users;
#copy your known username's password and salt

Category: none

Tags: chef

ocsp server analysis

Kiyor | | Created: 10-28-15 10:15:24, Last Update: 11-03-15 08:07:22

Did some analysis on ocsp project, this is the knowledge that you might want to know.

  • CyberTrust via Verizon using Akamai

Category: work


Kiyor | | Created: 09-07-15 12:12:25, Last Update: 09-07-15 12:51:52

最近朋友要把一个静态网站转成动态, 但是由于网站并非经营性质, 所以朋友不希望花太多精神, 那就只能转成需求的半动态.

就这种需求, 第一想到的是使用nginx的try功能, 动态归动态, 静态归静态. 不过以前没深入用过这个功能, 加上最近在玩docker, 就记录下成果吧.

Category: none

Tags: nginx docker

centos ffmpeg

Kiyor | | Created: 09-06-15 06:04:56, Last Update: 07-13-18 12:48:27

wget -N
tar xf ffmpeg-release-64bit-static.tar.xz

Category: none

Tags: centos ffmpeg

golang 1.5 坑一枚

Kiyor | | Created: 08-25-15 07:24:48, Last Update: 08-28-15 11:18:50

golang 1.5 在常用的net/http包里新增了Request.Cancel, 导致原来可以直接把request给json化的方式出现了json: unsupported type: <-chan struct {}. 在debug的时候看不到请求了. 解决方式也十分坑…

type Req struct {

Category: none

Tags: golang

yum repo collecting

Kiyor | | Created: 08-24-15 05:38:53, Last Update: 08-28-15 10:46:14

docker run --rm -ti centos:5 /bin/bash

Category: none

Tags: docker rpm yum

how to make a simple audio/video streaming server

Kiyor | | Created: 03-17-14 11:23:58

  • Music are pretty custom, hard to find a public streaming website that really fit for you.
  • You have download music everyday. More and more storage you use, you might never out of space on you desktop, but how about your iphone, ipad, android device? or your working laptop?
  • How to sync your music to different device? Each time download new music will need sync to different device.

Category: none

puppet tips

Kiyor | | Created: 03-17-14 05:39:18

  • puppet with nginx artical link
  • important permission, puppet:puppet puppet_config_dir/rack
  • use templates is better for loadbalance, since you don’t need setup host in config, but speed is lower than files

Category: none

Force local user use proxy

Kiyor | | Created: 01-19-13 04:27:38

Setup local squid.conf with http_port 45678 transparent

ssh to your DD-WRT router and run

Category: none

Tags: Server Linux

Control Different Region Player Connect Different Server

Kiyor | | Created: 08-19-12 09:58:43

Recently I wanted to upgrade my Minecraft player. I plan to use different server for different player. I’ve tried to check how does my home’s DD-WRT works on port forwarding. And I got the result. I could use port forwarding in iptables control player source ip connect different server.

So this is my iptables rule

Category: none

Tags: Linux Server

how to use ramdisk in your mac

Kiyor | | Created: 08-07-12 09:01:15

You can simply use command to create a ramdisk.

diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "ramdisk" `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://512000`

Category: none

Tags: Mac

Share my Mac’s Apps List

Kiyor | | Created: 08-07-12 08:54:11

Last year I bought 2011 Mac Air for learning Objective-C. Now I’m using OSX for my main environment.

Most of the people who never use OSX thought “Mac is over prices, only the hardware is good and not support a lot of apps”.

But most of Mac users love Mac is because the OS.

Category: none

Tags: Mac